Secure Your Future with Confidence

Retiree-specific financial planning services

Are you a retiree or a parent looking to secure your financial future amidst the complexities of retirement? Just as you've dedicated your life to nurturing your family or career, managing your finances requires a tailored approach to address the unique challenges you may encounter.

Retirement brings a host of financial considerations, from navigating fluctuating income streams to ensuring your savings last throughout your golden years. As a retiree, you may find yourself grappling with questions about healthcare costs, estate planning, and maximizing your retirement income while minimizing tax liabilities.

Likewise, as a parent, you understand the importance of providing for your family's future while balancing current financial obligations. From saving for your children's education to planning for unexpected expenses, the financial responsibilities can feel overwhelming.

At SLP Wealth, we understand the financial intricacies that retirees and parents face. Our team specializes in crafting personalized financial strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals. Whether you're navigating the transition into retirement or planning for your children's future, we're here to help you every step of the way.

Let us be your trusted partner in securing your financial well-being. Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced financial advisors today and take the first step toward achieving peace of mind for you and your loved ones.



“Sim is incredibly knowledgable and helpful. She has answered all of our questions and her confidence helps us feel confident!“


“Working with Conor has been amazing! I feel more understood than with past financial planners, especially when it comes to the student loan forgiveness plan.“


“I feel so much more in control of my finances. I like having someone who knows what they are doing to bounce ideas off of and to hold me accountable with completing tasks.“


Testimonials are from real customers who may have been compensated for reviews.