Our Mission is Your Financial Success

Nonprofit-specific financial planning services

You've dedicated yourself to making a difference in the world through your work at a non-profit, embodying passion and empathy in every project you undertake. Your role demands resilience, creativity, and a deep commitment to improving communities. Just as you tailor programs to meet the diverse needs of those you serve, managing your finances requires a personalized approach.

As a trusted partner in your mission, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with working in the non-profit sector. Our team is here to collaborate with you, leveraging our financial expertise to navigate the financial landscape while aligning with your career objectives and personal goals.

Thinking about expanding your organization's reach? Considering a career transition within the nonprofit world? Let's explore your aspirations together and craft a financial strategy tailored to your vision for the future.

Don't face financial decisions alone. Schedule a consultation with one of our financial advisors today and take the first step toward strengthening your organization's financial sustainability and achieving peace of mind in your career journey.



“We had an upbeat and educational intake meeting with Sam and have gathered all of the requested financial information required for the tax team. Sam's knowledgeable and kind manner put us at ease. We are especially pleased to have SLP Wealth experts on student loans AND taxes on our side so that we avoid mistakes that may cost us unnecessarily. We want to save more for retirement and feel confident to have Sam's expertise to guide us.“


“[My planner] has been incredibly responsive, is knowledgeable, and encouraging! I never felt that comfortable talking about finances because I was worried about being judged but Sim provides a warm and shame free environment! Connor also gave off this vibe when he helped with my student loans before I became a client. Disclaimer:
Testimonials are from real customers who may have been compensated for reviews.”


“Sam is a great listener who helps keep me on track to meet my financial goals.“


Testimonials are from real customers who may have been compensated for reviews.